You know you've been there
You travelled the world and captured every moment, for work or for play. You know that you have been there. How do you find that photo which you know you took it ?
All roads lead to Rome
Photo Aggregator builds its own database which consist of thumbnails generation, favourite tags, Object detection etc.
It is non-destructive to your source of photos and does not require you to import the photos into the application at all. You simply define the location of your photos such as a NAS Destination or a local folder.
The metadata of the images are picked up from the source locations during the scanning phase of each photo. Upon completion, you will be able to query these metadata information.
Photo Aggregator also provides many ways of searching your photos. It is a companion app to your favourite editing tool. It's main purpose is to search and locate your images. You can search for all the photos you took from a specific location, taken with a particular lens using EXIF, or from a particular time period.
Find similar photos taken from the same location or even similar looking background based on the colour tone.
These are all possible because of today’s technologies such as object detection based off Machine Learning. There is no right or wrong way of storing your photos.
It is how we can use Photo Aggregator to bring all in a single interface that helps to to locate it fast.
Various ways of searching
Smart Search similar images or objects in Image View, Map View & Timeline View.